What is Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian Massage?
Meridian massage is often combined with other treatments, such as herbal medicine and acupressure. This healing technique helps to relax the whole body while treating musculoskeletal disorders caused by an unbalanced lifestyle.
Body Meridian Points
There are 12 major meridians in the body, which are like rivers. Similar to how a river carries water through specific paths to various destinations, meridians carry the flow of energy (chi) throughout the body. Meridians work like a circulatory system, pumping nutrients and blood throughout the body!

Source: Shogakukan Encyclopedia of Japan (Nipponica) About Encyclopedia of Japan (Nipponica)
large intestine
small intestine
metabolism (called three warm meridians)
Lung Meridians: Lung meridians are the main organs that regulate the flow of energy in and out of the body. Lung meridians not only affect the respiratory system, but also the sense of smell, sweating, bacterial infections, etc. If this pathway is out of balance, it can cause a variety of problems, such as headaches and poor blood circulation.
Colon Meridian: When the colon meridian is out of balance, you may feel pain in your abdomen or feel emotionally trapped. These symptoms may indicate illness or nutritional deficiencies, and should be addressed immediately.
Stomach Meridian: This meridian extracts nutrients from food, distributes nutrients to the intestines and spleen, and coordinates food digestion overall. When this meridian is out of balance, it often leads to nervousness and constant worry.
Spleen Meridian: This meridian also influences the regulation and distribution of nutrients in the body, proper blood flow, and maintaining proper limb and muscle tone. When this meridian is out of balance, symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, fatigue, and restlessness appear.
Heart Meridian: This meridian regulates blood circulation to all organs. When this meridian is out of balance, dizziness, chest pain, hot flashes, and depression can occur.
Small Intestine Meridian: This meridian governs digestion, water absorption, nutrient absorption, and intestinal function. Swollen lymph nodes, indigestion, acne, and stiff shoulders are common symptoms when this meridian is out of balance.
Bladder Meridian: This is the meridian for expelling toxins from the body. Urinary problems, irritability, and back pain are some symptoms of an out of balance bladder meridian.
Kidney Meridian: This is the meridian that regulates the reproductive system and testosterone levels, and also produces bone marrow and blood. When this meridian is out of balance, reproductive system disorders, urinary system disorders, and indecision can become present.
Pericardial Meridian: This meridian regulates the energy (chi) that surrounds the heart, protects it, and ensures proper function and emotional balance. Common signs of imbalance are phobias and heart problems.
Triple Warmer Meridian: This meridian regulates the body's metabolism and promotes overall health. A common sign of imbalance is general minor aches and pains.
Meridian massage is a healing technique that has been used around the world for centuries to treat a variety of conditions, including acute injuries and sleep apnea. It is effective in improving...
Lymphatic flow and immunity
Hormone balance, weight management, fertility, and mood swings
Cardiovascular health
Organ function
Energy levels
Mental health
Meridian massage is a great way to promote good health and lasting well-being, as it can soothe new injuries and ensure long-lasting benefits. Balancing the meridians often can support a balanced, relaxed, and more enjoyable lifestyle; all while drawing on the healing power of the body and nature.